Friday, November 11, 2011


Good morning All,

SELAH. Have you every noticed this little word when you are reading the Psalms? If you haven't then you haven't been reading the Psalms because it shows up 71 different times. It only shows up in three other verses in the Bible and all three of them are in Habakkuk. If we are being truthful we have no idea what it means. It is one of those words that only exists here, so instead of translating it we simply transliterate it, that means we convert the Hebrew letters to English letters and make that the word. Some argue that it is a direction for the musicians, others suggest it is a command meaning to lift up your voices or exalt. All of those folks are way smarter than me so I will leave an exact definition up to them, but what I find with Selah when I am reading the Psalms is a moment of pause, of rest, of abrupt silence. It is not a word that flows, or is part of a sentence or that even connects with any other words. It is just there and when you read it you can't help but pause, slow down and rest if even for a second. It is like a very mini Sabbath in the Psalms. A reminder to us all that amidst the busyness of what ever we are doing we need to take those moments to slow down and pause, those moments just to stop and appreciate the moment be it the colors of a sunrise, the beauty of an eagle soaring over a river valley, or the innocence of a small child. We must find those times in our life to just stop and appreciate the majesty of God and the truth that the one who created all of this loves each and every one of us. Will you find a moment today to pause and appreciate?


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