A Snarky but Authentic Spiritual Memoir
by Susan Isaacs
Published in 2009 by Faith Words
Summary: Susan Isaacs decided she wanted to be an actress, comedian, writer from an early age and she set out to do the things necessary in her life to make that possible, but from an even earlier age she was a devout Lutheran and as she navigated the waters of show business she tried to let God be her guide, what she didn't realize is that the magnetic field of her bad theology was distorting the true north of her God compass. As a grown woman she began to look back on her life and question why was it that she was trying to be so faithful to God, yet failing in her life while so many of her friends who weren't that concerned about God one way or the other were doing incredibly well. She decided that since this relationship with God was supposed to be like a marriage, then she and God needed marriage counseling. She searched for a counselor that would accommodate her needs and found one in a former pastor who seemed more like Jimmy Buffett than a reverend but who fit her budget and would ultimately help her correct her understanding of God. This book is based on those counseling sessions. She wrestles with some pretty hard stuff like sexuality, alcoholism, different "kinds" of churches, the effects of an emotionally absent father and an overly religious mother, and ultimately the desire to find Mr. Right. This book was originally a one woman comedy show, but Susan has stepped into the world of publishing and blessed us all with what she calls "A Snarky but Authentic Spiritual Memoir."
Review: I picked up this book when I heard Donald Miller talking about it in an interview I was watching of him and I am so glad I did. This is Susan Isaacs first book and it is a refreshing look at the way we use God in our lives looking through the lens of Susan's life. It will make you laugh and cry; it will bring you joy and at times make you get angry; it will have you chuckling to yourself as you think, "I know exactly what she is talking about because I have been in that same place." The book is rooted around her marriage counseling sessions with God where she considers how she thinks God has failed her in different events of her life. Susan is an actress, screenwriter and comedienne who has experienced success and failure in both Hollywood and New York, She has struggled amidst an industry that has little time for God to keep God as the central focus of her life, but her damaged theology has led her down some wrong paths and created some wrong expectations for her to have on God. She gives us a very honest window into her life and her thinking, but in doing so she gives voice to God in a funny, loving, sarcastic way that helps us to consider our own theology and how it effects our relationship with God. This book is an enjoyable and stimulating read for anyone trying to walk a deeper walk with Christ.
Reading Recommendation: Absolutely Yes!
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