Greetings and Salutations!

It is mother's day and four out of five children are with her this evening so my house is rather quiet, which is good because I have hit that wall of tiredness where all that sounds good is a hot cup of Community Coffee, my snuggly warm knitted afghan (the one my aunt insisted did not come from some old, dead lady's house when she gave it to me), an episode of Two and A Half Men on DVD, and something soft like my bed or my recliner; however, while all of those sound good, I am already sitting in my bed and am too lazy to get up and brew some coffee (so that is out), and I've already watched all six seasons of 2 and 1/2 on DVD (so that is out), but my afghan is snuggled close and my laptop is running hot and keeping me extra warm, so two out of four isn't bad. Perhaps I will put some Diana Krall on while I type.

Yes, that is much better. Diana is always good for typing! I am not sure there is a more perfect song than her cover of Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You." As a total random side observation, am I the only one that is frustrated that all of her 2010 tour dates are in Europe? As I have aged and simplified my life I have come to the conclusion that rather than buying stuff that clutters my house, I want to invest in experiences. One of the experiences I want to have is seeing Diana in concert but let's face it my single dad budget won't afford a trip to Europe to be a Diana groupie for a few days; so if anyone out there knows her, put in the good word for some North American tour dates.

Okay, now I am completely off track. This is my first posting to not only this blog, but any blog. I have been after my oldest son to do a blog reviewing video games which is the one and only true love of his life besides journalism. I thought it would be a good way to blend the two and start to develop a writing profile for college which he starts this fall (hence my not being able to afford being a Diana groupie in Europe). As I have been encouraging him I have also been debating how to best communicate devotional material to my congregation and it occured to me, "duhhhhh, why don't I use a blog for exactly that?" Okay, John Hiatt's "Have a Little Faith in Me" has just come on and while it is not jazz it is a fabulous song. So here I am making my first post to my first blog.

It is my hope that I can navigate this web technology to create some devotional points and some general ponderings that my congregation and any who read can use as they spend some time considering God and how He works in their lives. If some find a little laughter, hope and joy it will have served its purpose. If some find themselves pondering a deeper relationship with Jesus, Hallelujah. If some find their beliefs stretched and challenged, I hope it has happened in an edifying and uplifting way. If you just enjoy some comments on raising children, music, books or good food we obviously have similar loves. Thanks for reading!

Okay, back to the afghan and soft bed, but perhaps I will brew some coffee, because Diana just goes better with good coffee or a cold Bucklers.

In Christ's Love,
