Wednesday, February 8, 2012

God Strikes the Blows

Good morning all,
Let's start with a scripture verse from the 44th Psalm.
Psalm 44:3 "It was not our father's swords won them the land, nor their arm that gave them victory, but thy right hand and thy arm, and the light of thy presence; such was thy favour to them."
The Psalmist is writing to God amidst what appears to be a new revelation for him.  He has heard the stories from his father for years of the great things God did during the conquest of the Promised Land and apparently he has always focused on what the Israelites did, how they fought in such a manner as to bring victory.  His writing today reveals this new revelation for him, that it was not the swords or arms of the Israelites that made them victorious in the Promised Land, it was God Himself!  God's right hand; God's arm; the light of God's presence were the things that brought victory to the Israelites.  The Israelites merely swung the swords, but God struck the blows that brought victory!  The power and strength of God won the land, He merely allowed the Israelites to obediently participate.

This is a lesson that has worth enough for us to pay attention.  As Methodist, we believe that a vibrant and living faith includes doing good works once we have been justified.  If we are not careful we can get lost in the thought of, "look at all of the good we are doing," rather than the thought of, "look at all of the good God is allowing us to be a part of."  God has invited us into the battle of ministry and expects us to swing the sword, but the outcome is always His.  He determines the victory, He vanquishes the enemies, His glory is what shines through us.  The glory will never be ours, we are but reflections of God's glory and that should free us from the shackles of striving to do things in our own power.

God expects us to be obedient, but to do ministry in His power and with His results.  We don't have to define ourselves by the success of failure of our ministry projects, rather we define ourselves by our obedience to God.  Are we doing what He has called us to do?  Are we swinging the swords in battle and letting God strike the blows?  Are we living obedient lives that reveal God's glory to others?  Does the way we live make it easy for other people to believe in Jesus?  Or are we trying to control outcomes and determine our own success?  If we will be but obedient and swing at what God calls us to swing at we can trust God to deliver the blows that lead to victory.

Your brother in Christ,

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