by Eugene H. Peterson
Published by William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1992
Summary: Eugene Peterson, famed for his Bible translation The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language : Numbered Edition
Review: While anyone can read this book and benefit from its message, it is truly aimed at pastors. It is written to challenge us to return to our roots in scripture, prayer and presence so we can be fully engaged with our congregations. If you have read any of Peterson's books before you will immediately recognize the style and be quickly drawn into his slow, methodical pacing as he activates our imaginations as only a preacher and story teller can do. The book at times gets a little slow and cumbersome, he could have pulled this off in 140 pages instead of 197, but overall it is a thought provoking book that if you let it can truly inspire some passion. I can remember reading the line I quoted in the summary thinking with tears in my eyes, "that is what I want to be as a pastor." Pastors read this book, especially if you are longing to get off the religious program treadmill; but also encourage the leaders of your personnel committee to read this book to help them understand who they should want you to be, and perhaps together you can get there.
Recommendation: A must for pastors and for church personnel board members, but everyone can benefit from a glimpse into what religious vocation should look like.