by G. Lloyd Rediger
Published in 2003 by Fortress Press
Summary and Review: The Reverend Rediger served congregations in three different states before earning his doctorate in pastoral counseling. Since that time he has served as counselor to both pastors and their families through all kinds of situations involving sexual indiscretions. He has seen repentance and healing, he has seen refusal to acknowledge how wrong certain behaviors are and he has seen indifference and abuse regarding the office of pastor. This book is his attempt to look at all of the issues connected with clergy boundary violations in regards to sexuality. He begins by addressing the issues that have surfaced through the scandals of the late 1990's and early 2000's in both the Catholic and Protestant Church to set the context of the book. He then turns towards a overarching diagnosis for why these types of situations happen considering both male and female clergy. This context establishment is followed by case studies of different actual clergy boundary violations that Rediger has encountered and counseled people through. The third and final section of the book is an attempt to define and describe healthy sexuality. He considers the relationship of our ethical system to our sexual behavior and our office as clergy. This is followed with a theological understanding of sex and sexuality and finishes with a glimpse of what Biblical wholeness for sexuality looks like and some clues to recognize when pastors are getting close to the edge that can lead to trouble.
Overall it is a well written and researched book. At times it can become a bit laborious to read, but he attempts to address a very difficult and emotional issue through multiple and appropriate lens: a practical one, a theological one, a Biblical one, an ethical one and a "reality" lens. He looks not just at behavior, but behind that behavior to the reasons one does what they do and then suggests ways where those root issues can be addressed. The case studies presented are interesting and his analysis of them are helpful in forcing us to consider all sides of the issue. The biggest challenge of the book at this point is that it is a decade old and there has been so much more that has happened and so many new factors that have been brought into an already difficult issue. The book is a great historical glimpse into this issue at the turn of the millennium.
Reading Recommendation: Indifferent, it is a read that attempts to address some of the challenging issues regarding sexuality and clergy in relation to the incredible boundary failures that consumed the headlines at the turn of the century, but it is a ten year old book. It is a good historical perspective on this issue ten years ago, but it is incomplete when considering the discussion today.
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