by John Steinbeck
Originally published by The Viking Press Inc. 1939
Summary and Review: This is Steinbeck's Pulitzer Prize winning epic depiction of the Great Depression and its effects on individuals, families, communities and the nation. It tells the story of the Joad family, homestead farmers from Oklahoma, who are driven from their land by the banks, drought and the depressed economic times. They have seen a flyer claiming there is abundant work in California with beautiful country and plenty of opportunity, so they head west in pursuit of a better life than the one they have been existing in Oklahoma as of late. The novel is basically a travelogue of their journey. As they encounter people, both good and bad, false hopes, flat out lies, death and attitudes of defeat. Family roles change to adapt to the dynamics of this new life, but the core values of God, family and hospitality remain an anchor in an otherwise drifting life.
I thought I read this book in high school or college but the more I read the more I didn't recognize, so now I am not sure if I had read it before or not. At a minimum I was reading it through a new lens of being a pastor and if you have read this blog at all you know what an impact the book has had on me as it has inspired numerous blog posts! The book is a compelling read as you are brought into the intimate lives of these characters and you are driven to turn the next page to find out what happens to them. My favorite parts are the "mini-chapter" commentaries on life itself during the Great Depression. This classic stands as a work of literature, but even more as a chronicle of an incredibly challenging time for our country and for those who endured the Great Depression. I always thought if funny that my grandmother would buy two of everything and was told that it was a product of her being placed in an orphanage during the Depression because her parents couldn't afford to feed the kids so she was going to make sure she always had what she needed to care for her family. This book gave me new insight on to how that time could have such an impact in her life. We will probably never encounter a time like the Great Depression again, but we must never forget the dramatic effect it had on families and communities so that we can embrace the strength those that endured displayed and reject the evil that always rears its head in such times. The Grapes of Wrath is a chronicle that will never let us forget. If you haven't read it before, you really need to place this on your must read list!
Reading Recommendation: Yes! Put it on your lifetime "Must Read" list.
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