by Clive Cussler and Jack Du Brul
Published in 2006 by the Berkley Publishing Group
Summary: The story begins in the Kalahari Desert in 1896 when a bunch of opportunist steal a bunch of raw diamonds from an African Tribe. The diamonds have been a desert legend ever since, but one that a beautiful young woman from the De Beers corporation is convinced is true. As she attempts to locate the ship they believe sunk with the diamonds she stumbles into a plot by a bunch of extreme environmentalist who are trying to convince the world of the dangers of global warming. As the bad guys chase her, Juan Cabrillo and the Corporation happen to be in the same waters and intercede to save her. Their intercession draws them into the plot and the story moves along at lightning pace through the deserts of Africa and its coastal areas as the corporation confronts rebels, environmentalists and corrupt government officials.
Review: This is Cussler's second novel with Du Brul as co-author but fourth of the Oregon Files Series. Once again, Du Brul has proved to be an exceptional writing partner as the book progresses at a lighting pace and the two authors are seamless. One is hard pressed to be able to tell when Cussler is writing and when Du Brul is writing. This novel has the same limited cast as Dark Watch and that works well to draw us deeper into their lives becoming even more connected with the individuals and their unique personalities. The two authors have pulled a topic from the headlines, i.e. global warming and the fanatical nature of some of the people who believe it is happening, to craft a very believable yet entertaining story. As always, Cabrillo is larger than life and he is fast becoming my favorite Cussler character second only to Dirk and Al. This is absolutely worth the read and a great addition to the series!
Reading Recommendation: Yes, great follow up to Dark Watch!
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